Our Board

Our Board is made up of hard-working individuals working together for a common goal. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us! krumathleticbooster@gmail.com


  • President - Emilio Gonzalez
  • Executive VP - Pat Burns
  • Treasurer - Cassi Wheat
  • Secretary - Vacant
  • VP Concessions - Vacant
  • VP Spirit Wear - Heather Massengale
  • VP Sponsorships - Jamie Lasuzzo-Cook




Your support thru membership fees, donations, fundraising, and volunteer time to the Krum Athletic Booster Club (KABC) helps our students-athletes positively enhance their high school experiences.
To help increase team spirit and competitiveness, KABC provides funds for additional equipment and gear throughout the school year. In addition, we are able to offer scholarships to seniors for higher education and provide additional funds to support their yearly sports/awards banquets. 
KABC with the help from you, our Krum community, strive to provide a positive and uplifting environment enabling our students to be successful; which, in-turn, provides a positive impact on our entire community.
Your contributions propel our KRUM BOBCATS to Succeed, Win and Build a stronger Community for generations.